Galilee Contact Person : Rev. Carolyn Odom
Galilee's GriefShare Ministry provides three events throughout the year.
*13-week Support Group with various start dates*
*Loss of a Spouse 2-hour event*
*Surviving the Holidays 2-hour event**13-week Support Group with various start dates*
*Loss of a Spouse 2-hour event*
TO JOIN: Log on to
In the "find a group" search bar, enter your zip code
Select Galilee Baptist Church
Materials and Zoom login will be sent to your home once you complete the registration.
Please see the event calendar on this website, or contact the Church for more information.

Grief Share
Small Groups Forming
We'd love to get you connected with others in the community. Fill out the form below to get started.
Small groups help people grow in their faith and build community.